1. M arko utca, 2. Kazincy utca, 3. L iliom utca, 4. S zentendrei ut, 5. Downtown, 6. Kelenfold, 7. A ttila ut, 8. Drava-Karpat utca, 9. Drava-Visegradi utca, 10. Varosliget, 11. Vajda Peter utca, 12. Csaky utca, 13. Kaposztasmegyer

Industrial Heritage Utilization

A specific modernist building typology, namely the transformer stations that arose with the introduction and spread of electric power usage in the first half of the 20th century, forms the topic for examination in this paper from the architectural and urban-planning points of view. In addition to providing research on this developing period in Budapest, the architectural approach is complemented with a number of urban-planning-related issues. As a consequence of the power grid development, the utilization of historically and architecturally valuable monuments of the industry left vacant through disuse has also become essential. Therefore, beyond the usual historical approach, the issue of rehabilitation and utilization arises as a new interpretive horizon, taking international examples into account.

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