Architecture research

Irena Fialová: Výzkum a pupularizace architektury. Habilitační přednáška 24. 1. 2011 FA ČVUT

What is Specific in the Research of Architecture?

Very few of the results of academic architectural research are actually used in practice. Architecture research is therefore a regular topic discussed at architecture schools in generational waves. In connection with the contemporary change from the consumer society to a knowledge-based and sustainable society the very basic questions about the aim of of research in the field of architecture are reopened. What is specific in the research of architecture? How do value systems inflence the design proces and its research? What is the relation between the verbal and visual approach to architecture research and its communication? How can research conducted in practice enrich research conducted at universities? These are some of the questions, which I have tried to open up in my text. I look at these issues from the position of a practicing architect, who also deals with the theoretical reflection of contemporary architecture.

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