Under Threat: The Metastadt Building

Until recently the Metastadt building system was considered among the failed architectural ideas of the 20th century. This utopian architectural concept attempted to introduce pioneering changes in modern urban planning and to test in practice the possibilities of industrialized building. Its innovation consisted of combining engineering solutions with the newly possible computer-based methods for statics […]

The Spa Chapel in Vyhne an Early Work of Ladislav Hudec

The forested surroundings of the tiny spa town of Vyhne hide among themselves a small, almost unassuming chapel, constructed shortly before the outbreak of World War One and its ensuing seismic changes in the fates of so many individuals, nations and political entities. The chapel was the first completed architectural work of its designer, the […]

The Mythology of the Concept of Design Synopsis

The text is a reaction to the excessively broad conception of the topic encapsulated in the slogan “everything is design and design is everything” in the degree program 2.2.6 Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak University of Technology. At the present moment, the idea of “dizajn” has come rushing down through our […]

What is Specific in the Research of Architecture?

Very few of the results of academic architectural research are actually used in practice. Architecture research is therefore a regular topic discussed at architecture schools in generational waves. In connection with the contemporary change from the consumer society to a knowledge-based and sustainable society the very basic questions about the aim of of research in […]

The Path of Experiment. Experimental Apartment Construction During the 1960s and SIAL

Massive apartment construction in the form of prefabricated tower blocks was never a major part of the interests of architects in the studio SIAL (Sdružení inženýrů a architektů Liberce – Alliance of Engineers and Architects in Liberec). Indeed, quite the opposite: under the leadership of Karel Hubáček, these architects founded their independent atelier in the […]

Protection of Post-War Architectural Heritage in the Czech Republic

The first modernist buildings in the Czech Republic received landmark status as early as the 1960s. Theoretical arguments in favour of protection of such relatively recent structures were first formulated in the volume Ochrana památek moderní architektury [Protection of Landmarks of Modern Architecture] published in 1970 by the Brno art historians Václav Richter and Zdeněk […]

Interwar Rental Garages in the Czech Lands

The automobile changed the world. A banal statement, but one essentially indisputable. It changed how we understand time, space, personal liberty; accelerated globalisation and the industrial revolution – and it deeply influenced the conception of modern architecture. Not only was it a question of revising the building process the structure of urban settlement, or even […]

Conservation of the North Facade of the Upper Castle in Český Krumlov

In parallel with the completion of work on the main southern facade of the Krumlov castle, it became necessary in 2004 to focus attention on the preparation of the highly demanding general conservation of the reverse side of the Upper Castle (Horní hrad), its northern facades. Contrasting to the southern, more firmly massed southern side […]

Contributions to the Architectural Heritage of Slovak Lutherans in Historic Hungary – the Tradition of Baroque Centrality

Slovaks and Hungarians have lived together for over a thousand years in Central Europe. Because of the shared course of their history, the two nations were assimilated to each other in several interrelations, as be recognized in aspects of the language, the lifestyle and even of the architectural heritage. At the same time this study […]

Conservation of Architecture in the Country of Alvar Aalto

In the heritage theory and practice a certain considerate and rational approach to renovation is recently more present, the one focused not only to materiality but also to immaterial values. The intense one month-long „colloquia of preservationists“ of modern architecture in Finland, MARC2011 (Fourth International Course on the Conservation of Modern Architecture) was in many […]

Liberec Lower Town Centre by SIAL

Three Approaches to Designing Town Centres Conceptualisation and planning of town centres was and still is a very challenging discipline. The theme achieved particular urgency after the Second World War caused severe damage or even total destruction of many towns and cities. During this era two approaches to town cores appeared which more or less […]

Budapest Urban Blocks and their Sustainability

INTRODUCTION One of the most significant current discussions in urban design is the redesigning and restructuring of urban places to achieve sustainability. There is a large volume of published studies describing specific criteria – that a sustainable city should be compact, dense, diverse and highly integrated (The Sustainable, 2004). In addition, design concepts of sustainable […]

Rivacy and Depth Configurations. Proximity

Permeability and Territorial Boundaries in Urban Projects The need for privacy drives territorial mechanisms in space: multiple agents operate at different scales to provide a variety of models of depth in contemporary landscapes: distinctions between public and private spaces are far more complex than individual physical barriers in urban space. This paper pronounces a theoretical […]