2018, Volume 52, No. 1 - 2 Scientific Studies Anna Gondová Bratislava Castle and the Castle Hill: (Un)Conneced Fates Peter Szalay CLEARANCE: Changes in Eminent-Domain Legislation in Early 20th-Century Bratislava and Their Reflection in Planning the City Éva Lovra Urban Typology in the Habsburg Empire, 1867 – 1918, with a Special Emphasis on Hungarian Towns Jan Šlemr Czech Land-use Planning Trough the Eyes of Planners: A Continuing Erosion of Old Orders or the Birth of a New Doctrine? Mark Meerovich, Nadia Antonenko, Ljudmila Ščavinskaja The Residential Area of Cheremushky as an Example of the Implementation of Khrushchev’s Housing Reform in Ukraine Cela Matan, Iva Mrak, Nana Palinić The Buildings Built For Public Use by “The KKK Group” In Croatia: Architecture, Structure and Conservation Ágnes Gyetvainé Balogh, Kristóf Zoltán Kelecsényi Did a Steindl School Exist ? The Members of the Design and Technical Management Team of the Parliament in Budapest Forum Maroš Semančík The Roman Catholic Church of St. Anna in Oravská Lesná Markéta Ježková, Jitka Šosová Alice Masaryková: Patron of the Arts at the Prague Castle Reviews Jarmila Bencová Machnáč Deserted Jana Kořínková The Residence of a Modern Person. The New House, Brno 1928 Markéta Svobodová The Route to the Bratislava Crematorium Imro Vaško Windows Into the Manifestos of the New Path